78 research outputs found

    Costs of migratory decisions: A comparison across eight white stork populations

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    Flack, Andrea et al.Annual migratory movements can range from a few tens to thousands of kilometers, creating unique energetic requirements for each specific species and journey. Even within the same species, migration costs can vary largely because of flexible, opportunistic life history strategies. We uncover the large extent of variation in the lifetime migratory decisions of young white storks originating from eight populations. Not only did juvenile storks differ in their geographically distinct wintering locations, their diverse migration patterns also affected the amount of energy individuals invested for locomotion during the first months of their life. Overwintering in areas with higher human population reduced the stork’s overall energy expenditure because of shorter daily foraging trips, closer wintering grounds, or a complete suppression of migration. Because migrants can change ecological processes in several distinct communities simultaneously, understanding their life history decisions helps not only to protect migratory species but also to conserve stable ecosystems.A.F. was supported by the German Aerospace Center (DLR); J.B. was supported by projects i-link0564, CGL2012-32544, and 511/2012 from the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, National Parks, National Ministries, and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) funds. We acknowledge the support of Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation grants (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) NA 846/1-1 and WI 3576/1-1.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Frogs and Feeling Communities:A Study in History of Emotions and Environmental History

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    This article offers an overview of some approaches from the history of emotions that environmental historians could employ in order to sharpen engagement with emotion, and applies some of these approaches to a long history of human–frog interactions, by way of example. We propose that emotions have played a key role in the constitution of human communities, as well as enabling or inhibiting particular kinds of human thoughts and actions in relation with the living planet. In tracing human–frog relations over time we tease apart the complex historic relationships between cultural frameworks, scientific expectations and conventions, and the texts and images emerging from these contexts, which operate explicitly or implicitly to train and discipline the emotional selves of human adults and children

    The Influence of Personal, Social, and Environmental Factors on Youths' Engagement in Physical Activity

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    Social ecological models are recognized for allowing researchers to examine the influence of multiple factors on behaviour, yet to date relatively little research has simultaneously examined the role of personal, social, and environmental factors on youths’ physical activity, while giving consideration to the role of different types of neighbourhoods. The current study examined the physical activity of 804 youth aged 10 to 16 years residing in urban high density, suburban, or suburban low density neighbourhoods, by exploring relationships between several personal, social, and environmental factors. Findings revealed that all three factors were significant in explaining youths’ physical activity. Differences in participation were found based on gender and neighbourhood; males and youth from suburban low density neighbourhoods were significantly more physically active. Moreover, several variables were found to be important for understanding youth physical activity: sex, age, self-efficacy, encouragement, neighbourhood safety, and the use of a number of neighbourhood facilities

    SÀkerhetsarbetet vid en tingsrÀtt: en rÀttssociologisk studie av den lokala normbildningen för sÀkerheten vid Lunds tingsrÀtt

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    In Sweden, a sign of success is education, hard work, and ultimately gainful employment. Being employed, however, sometimes carries a risk of being exposed to either physical and/or psychological violence. In judicial-related occupations, the risk of being exposed to such violence are higher than in others. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze professional norms among the employees at the District court in Lund regarding safety and security. The study also aimed to investigate how the employees experience the safety and security conditions at the court. A total of 54 participants of the 77 employees at the court participated in a web-based survey. To complete the study, interviews were held with security guards working at the court. The theoretical frame of the study is founded on norm theories emanated from HÄkan Hydén (2002) and Matthias Baier and MÄns Svensson (2009). The main finding of this study is that professional norms regarding safety and security was identified among the employees at the court. Although professional norms were identified, they were not robust nor cohesive across the different professions within the court. The study also found that the majority of the employees at the court experience that the safety and security conditions connected to their occupation are at a satisfying level

    Collective animal navigation and migratory culture: From theoretical models to empirical evidence

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    Animals often travel in groups, and their navigational decisions can be influenced by social interactions. Both theory and empirical observations suggest that such collective navigation can result in individuals improving their ability to find their way and could be one of the key benefits of sociality for these species. Here, we provide an overview of the potential mechanisms underlying collective navigation, review the known, and supposed, empirical evidence for such behaviour and highlight interesting directions for future research. We further explore how both social and collective learning during group navigation could lead to the accumulation of knowledge at the population level, resulting in the emergence of migratory culture

    Fly with the flock: immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics

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    Understanding the movement of animals is important for a wide range of scientific interests including migration, disease spread, collective movement behaviour and analysing motion in relation to dynamic changes of the environment such as wind and thermal lifts. Particularly, the three-dimensional (3D) spatial–temporal nature of bird movement data, which is widely available with high temporal and spatial resolution at large volumes, presents a natural option to explore the potential of immersive analytics (IA). We investigate the requirements and benefits of a wide range of immersive environments for explorative visualization and analytics of 3D movement data, in particular regarding design considerations for such 3D immersive environments, and present prototypes for IA solutions. Tailored to biologists studying bird movement data, the immersive solutions enable geo-locational time-series data to be investigated interactively, thus enabling experts to visually explore interesting angles of a flock and its behaviour in the context of the environment. The 3D virtual world presents the audience with engaging and interactive content, allowing users to ‘fly with the flock’, with the potential to ascertain an intuitive overview of often complex datasets, and to provide the opportunity thereby to formulate and at least qualitatively assess hypotheses. This work also contributes to ongoing research efforts to promote better understanding of bird migration and the associated environmental factors at the global scale, thereby providing a visual vehicle for driving public awareness of environmental issues and bird migration patterns

    Initiative, Personality and Leadership in Pairs of Foraging Fish

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    Studies of coordinated movement have found that, in many animal species, bolder individuals are more likely to initiate movement and shyer individuals to follow. Here, we show that in pairs of foraging stickleback fish, leadership is not merely a passive consequence of temperamental differences. Instead, the act of initiating a joint foraging trip out of cover itself brings about a change in the role that an individual plays throughout the subsequent trip, and success in recruiting a partner affects an individual's tendency to initiate the next trip. On each joint trip, whichever fish took the initiative in leading out of cover gains greater influence over its partner's behaviour, which persists even after several changes in position (i.e. termination attempts and re-joining). During any given trip, the initiator is less responsive to its partner's movements than during trips initiated by the partner. An individual's personality had an important effect on its response to failure to recruit a partner: while bold fish were unaffected by failures to initiate a joint trip, shy individuals were less likely to attempt another initiation after a failure. This difference provides a positive feedback mechanism that can partially stabilise social roles within the pair, but it is not strong enough to prevent occasional swaps, with individuals dynamically adjusting their responses to one another as they exchange roles

    Use of avian GPS tracking to mitigate human fatalities from bird strikes caused by large soaring birds

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    Birds striking aircrafts cause substantial economic loss world-wide and, more worryingly, human and wildlife fatalities. Designing effective measures to mitigate fatal bird strikes requires an in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of this incident type and the flight behaviours of the bird species involved. The characteristics of bird strikes involving aircraft crashes or loss of human life in Spain were studied and compared to flight patterns of birds monitored by GPS. We tracked 210 individuals of the three species that cause the most crashes and human fatalities in Spain: griffon and cinereous vultures Gyps fulvus and Aegypius monachus and white storks Ciconia ciconia. All the crashes involved general aviation aircrafts, while none were recorded in commercial aviation. Most occurred outside airport boundaries, at midday, and in the warmest months, which all correspond with the maximum flight activity of the studied species. Bird flight altitudes overlapped the legal flight altitude limit set for general aviation. Policy implications. Mitigation of fatal bird strikes should especially address the conflict between general aviation and large soaring birds. Air transportation authorities should consider modifying the flight ceiling for general aviation flights above the studied species' maximum flight altitude. Moreover, policymakers should issue pilots with recommendations regarding the dates and times of peak activity of large soaring bird species to improve flight safety.This research was funded by Project RNM-1925 (Junta de Andalucía), Comunidad de Bardenas Reales de Navarra, Projects CGL2012-32544, CGL2015-66966-C2-1-2-R and CGL2015-66966-C2-1-R2 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and EU/FEDER) and i-link 0564 (CSIC). E.A. was supported by La Caixa-Severo Ochoa International PhD Program 2015. A.C.-A. was supported by a postdoc contract from Govern Balear, Spain (PD/039/2017). Contributions by T. L. DeVault were partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under award # DE-EM0004391 to the University of Georgia Research Foundation. MW was also funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) by Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2117 – 422037984.Peer reviewe

    Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa

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    Wind turbines and power lines can cause bird mortality due to collision or electrocution. The biodiversity impacts of energy infrastructure (EI) can be minimised through effective landscape-scale planning and mitigation. The identification of high-vulnerability areas is urgently needed to assess potential cumulative impacts of EI while supporting the transition to zero carbon energy. We collected GPS location data from 1,454 birds from 27 species susceptible to collision within Europe and North Africa and identified areas where tracked birds are most at risk of colliding with existing EI. Sensitivity to EI development was estimated for wind turbines and power lines by calculating the proportion of GPS flight locations at heights where birds were at risk of collision and accounting for species' specific susceptibility to collision. We mapped the maximum collision sensitivity value obtained across all species, in each 5 × 5 km grid cell, across Europe and North Africa. Vulnerability to collision was obtained by overlaying the sensitivity surfaces with density of wind turbines and transmission power lines. Results: Exposure to risk varied across the 27 species, with some species flying consistently at heights where they risk collision. For areas with sufficient tracking data within Europe and North Africa, 13.6% of the area was classified as high sensitivity to wind turbines and 9.4% was classified as high sensitivity to transmission power lines. Sensitive areas were concentrated within important migratory corridors and along coastlines. Hotspots of vulnerability to collision with wind turbines and transmission power lines (2018 data) were scattered across the study region with highest concentrations occurring in central Europe, near the strait of Gibraltar and the Bosporus in Turkey. Synthesis and applications. We identify the areas of Europe and North Africa that are most sensitive for the specific populations of birds for which sufficient GPS tracking data at high spatial resolution were available. We also map vulnerability hotspots where mitigation at existing EI should be prioritised to reduce collision risks. As tracking data availability improves our method could be applied to more species and areas to help reduce bird-EI conflicts
